Dry Bones

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Cartoon strategies to fight
History Denial, Antisemitism, and
to promote Continuity.

One outcome of the war against the modern State of Israel has been a spreading ignorance of Jewish history in the Land of Israel for thousands of years before 1948. The wonderful story of the survival of the Jewish People, the amazing tale of our return to the land of Israel, the miracle of our making the desert bloom…all are labeled as political rhetoric.

It is likewise true that any examination of Bible “prophecies” and current events is immediately stuffed into one of two categories, and labeled either “religious” or “nutcase”.

In 1993 I found a way to tell the tale from an objective point of view, a view that would allow the story to be told with clarity and not through the lens of prejudgments. I decided to write our story from the viewpoint of the Trees. The book was called Trees, the Green Testament. It has its own website: treesthegreentestament.com

2013 marks 20 years since the publication of the 192-page graphic novel which then became an underground cult classic. It’s long out of print and I’ve decided to issue a 20th Anniversary ebook edition.

You can download your copy for $9.99 at store.drybones.com